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Support of real estate transactions The real estate market in Central and Eastern Europe is on the rise, assuming high returns. The Czech Republic is a leading country in terms of investment attractiveness, as it offers the best combination of potential economic growth and political stability.


This country is located in the center of Europe, is part of the EU and is a member of the Schengen agreement, which means that there are no visa and customs borders with other European States. Prague is a business, cultural and economic center. The state guarantees the safety of foreign investors' capital.


Our company provides the following types of services related to investing in real estate in the Czech Republic.




  • preparation and legal support of agreements regulating legal relations in the field of real estate,
  • representation of individual investors at all stages of the real estate purchase process,
  • legal representation in the relevant state authorities,
  • legal support during negotiations with banks, real estate agencies, and contractors .





One of the most important and topical issues that arise for a new owner after the registration of a real estate purchase and sale transaction is the issue of real estate management. Most investors are not going to immigrate to the Czech Republic and independently engage in business related to the purchased real estate, but plan to transfer the object to management in order to receive a stable and guaranteed income.


Within the framework of real estate management, the functions of the owner and the Manager are differentiated, i.e. the owner transfers real estate objects to the trust management, while the Manager acts on his own behalf and at the expense of the owner.


The owner remains responsible for strategic decision-making and quality control. Operational management functions are delegated to the Trustee.




Real estate management covers the following areas:


Economic — revenue and cost management, distribution of financial flows
Technical — maintenance and development of a real estate object in accordance with its functional purpose and established requirements
Legal-comprehensive legal support of real estate management


Economic tasks of real estate management:


  • marketing and advertising of the object, attracting tenants,
  • monitoring the receipt of rental payments,
  • maintaining rental rates in accordance with the market level, 
  • accounting and tax accounting,
  • issuing invoices to tenants for payment of lease payments and other amounts in accordance with the provisions of lease agreements,
  • providing the owner of a real estate object with operating expenses budgets, reports on actual costs, cash flows, income and expenses.



Legal tasks of real estate management:


  • preparation and conclusion of contracts with tenants and contractors,
  • representation of interests in state and municipal bodies,
  • resolution of disputes, protection of interests in court.






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